Primary goal: Learn how to shop smart, cook smart, serve correct portion sizes, eat smart, & develop healthy habits that will give you a lean, healthy body through out the rest of your life. You want to get your body healthy, not just thin.
This is not a get slim quick program so you can look good in your swimsuit this summer, but then end up gaining it back, when summer is over. These are tips to help you safely get your body lean & healthy and stay that way.
Make a goal to lose 1-2 lbs per week, and use the following tips to successfully accomplish your goal each week.
Eat REAL Food, just smaller portions of those foods with higher calorie count
No prepackaged meals & no meal replacement shakes, etc. These might help to lose weight, but don’t help you to get in the habit of eating smart. Usually any weight lost, is regained after stopping the diet.
Eat as many fresh fruits & vegetables as you want; they have a low calorie to nutrient ratio (except starchy vegetables like potatoes, and corn, these go into the smaller portion category. etc). Raw fruits & vegetables are the most nutritious. Have a dark green leafy salad with bits of nutritious veggies with at least 1 meal a day (I skip the iceberg, and go straight for the spinach). It will help fill you up, and it is packed with many vital nutrients. Just don’t slather it with a load of high calorie dressing. Have fresh fruit with your meals, or as your dessert. Go easy on fruit juices. It is better to eat whole raw fruits, or smoothies made with whole raw fruits. Add some fresh kale to those fruit smoothies for additional nutrients without affecting the flavor. Drink water to quench your thirst instead of sweet drinks, including fruit juices.
Eat smaller portions of high fat, and high calorie foods: meats, nuts, starchy vegetables & carbs. Eat lean meats like chicken without the skin, etc, in place of high fat meats. Try to eat low fat cheese like mozzarella, instead of cheddar. Try to eliminate empty calories such as refined grain foods (like white bread, or white rice), processed foods, prepackaged or canned meals. I know this is hard if you are on the go all the time. Pick a day when you can prepare several meals at once, and make home made frozen dinners. This way, you are learning and practicing to serve up correct portion sizes, you don’t have to worry about preservatives or other crap they have been substituting for real food in store bought frozen dinners (ie. textured vegetable protein), and you have a meal ready to take with you, or available when you are short on time. Be sure to include a green salad and/or fresh whole fruit to boost the nutrient content of the meal. You can also prepare and bag these ahead of time.
Try to eliminate high calorie snack foods like chips, soda pop, juice drinks & candy. Especially avoid high fructose corn syrup. It starts at the store; if you don’t buy it, you won’t eat it. Have on hand ready-to-eat healthy, low calorie snacks, like a bag of baby carrots, grapes, or raisins.
Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
Drink mostly water with your meals instead of juice or juice drinks. Sweet drinks can add a large amount of calories to your meal. Ask for water when you are eating out. Especially avoid drinks with high fructose corn syrup & artificial sweeteners. Studies have shown that high fructose corn syrup can TURN OFF the signal from your stomach that tells your brain that you are full, which can lead to over-eating. Artificial sweeteners are very common food triggers. Try to avoid carbonated drinks since the carbonation shifts your body more acidic, throwing off the pH balance. The body tries to compensate by leaching out calcium & other minerals from the bones.
Increased water consumption is also important while you are losing weight because it helps the kidneys to eliminate the stored toxins that have been released from fat tisssue.
Many people believe that our bodies are not healthy because we are over weight, but actually, we are over weight because our bodies are not healthy. Being over weight is a symptom that your body is not getting all the essential nutrients that it needs. Make sure your body is getting all the nutrients that it needs to move towards optimal health. Especially as you are losing weight, and eating less food, you might not be getting enough vital nutrients for optimal health. Get your body healthy & the extra weight will come off.
Be sure to give your body the nutritionals it has indicated in the assessment that are a priority for you in order to increase your nutritional balance.
Use the food guide pyramid as a guide to chose a balance of nutritious foods from each food group.
Replace nutrient poor foods with nutrient packed alternatives, i.e., Whole grain foods in place of their refined grain counterparts, spinach, or dark green lettuce instead of iceberg lettuce, raw fruits & vegetables instead of canned. Speciality eggs that have 300-600 mg of Omega 3 per egg. The hens are fed a special vegetarian diet that is packed with Omega 3, and doesn't have any hormones, or antibiotics. 600 mg is the same amount of omega 3 as a 4 oz. portion of salmon, and doesn't have the risk of mercury contamination.
Candida/Yeast control.
Candida overgrowth can cause many problems in the body, including weight gain, and dificulty losing weight. Getting that candida under control can make weight loss easier in while doing almost any weight loss program.
It is recommended that you be active at least 30 minutes a day.
Chose an exercise program that is suited for your current fitness level. (Consult your doctor before starting any intense exercise program.)
Gradually increase the amount and intensity of exercise as your fitness level increases.
Find ways to get more exercise from daily activities.
Park farther from the door to walk the extra distance (and find a 

parking space sooner.)
Power walk around the store, or mall. Make it a game to get one item from this end, and then another item from the other end, then back to this end for a different item. Get a pedometer to see how much ground you covered on each shopping trip, and see if you can beat your record on each successive shopping trip.
Chose to walk or ride a bike to do short trips, or errands.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Wear small wrist or ankle weights while you do chores.
Chose family or group activities that involve physical activity, like hiking, biking, walking in the park.
Find a friend to go on walks with, and schedule it so it actually happens.
The steps listed below are just a brief outline of what you can do to optimize your health. Click on each step for further details.
5. Physical exercise.
6. Stress reduction.
7. Promote spiritual, mental & emotional well being.
Disclaimer: The statements made on any page on this website are the express opinions of the creator of this website. For medical advise, see your doctor.
The statements made about any products on any page of this website have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or mitigate any disease.