There are many things that can be used to control candida/yeast.
Using a combination of two or more of the following things can
increase the success of your candida control program.
1. Candex
This product has enzymes that are designed to digest yeast which is supposed to prevent a die off reaction. For anyone starting a candida control program, I would highly recommend starting with Candex, and using it in additional to anything else that they used to control yeast. It is best to take the candex on an empty stomach right before bed, or as soon as waking up, but at least an hour before breakfast, so it digest the yeast, not your food. Candex is made by Pure Essence Labs, and can be found at most health food stores.
2. Herbs: Pau D' Arco, Garlic, Caprylic Acid, grapefruit seed extract.
These herbs, along with pro-biotics, are often included together in many herbal yeast fighter formulas, like Yeast Defense from Nutrition Now, or Yeast Fighters from Twin Labs. There are other individual herbs that have been used to control yeast, so you might find other things that you prefer to use.
3. Pro-biotics
Pro-biotics normally keep the yeast population in the intestines under control. If you have ever taken antibiotics, the good bacteria in the intestines is also killed off, allowing the yeast to grow out of control. Pro-biotics need to be replaced regularly, especially if you have ever taken, or are taking antibiotics.
It is best to take pro-biotics that are "stabilized" so they will reach the intestinal tract without being killed by stomach acid.
I DON'T recommend yogurt as a source of probiotics because most are sweetened with high fructose corn syrup, which has been known to contribute to obesity. The "light" yogurts are sweetened with artificial sweeteners, which are also suspected of causing a reaction in the body which leads to weight gain or retention.
4. Colloidal or Ionic Silver Solution.
Colloidal Silver has been used for many centuries to treat infections. Many people have also used silver solutions for yeast control. You need to be very careful with silver, and chose a very high quality silver.

Poor quality silvers are only 15%-65% absorbable. They can be difficult for the body to eliminate, which could cause a heavy metal build up, resulting in blue fingernails, or skin. I personally have seen fingernails that have been turned blue because of poor quality colloidal silver use. Poor quality silvers can also kill the probiotics in the intestinal tract.
5. Low-carb diet.
Yeast thrive on carbs, especially simple carbs. Limit the carbs, and you starve the yeast. It is too dangerous to eliminate all carbs from your diet, since carbs are necessary for burning fat.
Without carbs, your body will start to use protein in place of the carbs, with leads to excess nitrogen waste in the, which could result in gout, and other problems. The body will use any protein source available, including breaking down the muscle tissue from skeletal muscles, and even the heart, resutling in muscle atrophy, or wasting away.
Another consequence of eliminating all carbs is ketoacidosis. If there are no carbs available to bring the fat molecules completly through the kreb cycle as the fat is being burned, then the cycle stops with the formation of ketones. Ketones are acidic, and if there are enough ketones in the blood, the result is ketoacidosis. The body does everything it can to bring the blood pH back to normal. Many things are wacked out of balance in the efforts to make the blood more alkaline. If the ketoacidosis is not fixed in time, the result is death.
Don't risk your health, or your life by doing a No-carb diet!
If you are using any of the other methods listed here to control the yeast, then you shouldn't have to eliminate all carbs from your diet.
It is best to eliminate, or at least reduce the amount of simple, refined carbs. Eat whole grains instead of refined white bread, white flour, or white rice. Avoid sugary foods like candy, sweets, sweetened drinks, or even fruit juices. Water is the best thing to drink to keep you hydrated. Fruits are better when eaten whole.
6. Micro-current therapy-- zapping
Many people have had success keeping the candida under control by doing micro-current therapy with a device called a zapper. It uses a small electric current to "zap" the candida. It has also been used to zap parasites, bacteria, and viruses.
There are several different zappers on the market. I use the Ultimate Zapper.
7. Mercury filling removal.
Mercury and other toxins in the body make an ideal environment for yeast to grow out of control. Mercury detox begins in the mouth. If you have any silver colored, or metal dental fillings you are constantly being exposed to mercury contamination. Those metal fillings are 50% mercury poison!!! Mercury vapor, is released from the fillings, and enters the body every time you chew, grind, brush, or drink hot liquids. Mercury fillings must be removed by a dentist who is experienced with mercury removal, otherwise there is the risk of increased mercury exposure during removal.
10. Mercury Detox/chelation.
After getting the mercury fillings out, or if you don't have any mercury fillings, then a heavy metal chelation program is necessary to remove the mercury that has become stored in the brain and body tissues. There are many different things that chelate out mercury from the body. Extreme Heath has a list of herbs and vitamins that are known to pull out heavy metals. You can make your own chealtion formula from this list, or take their supplement which has all those ingredients in it.
PLEASE NOTE: During mercury chelation, since the mercury is being pulled out of the tissues where it has been stored, more mercury is circulating in the body as it is in the process of being eliminated from the body. The increase of mercury circulating in the body makes the conditions in the body ideal for yeast to over grow. During this time, you may notice an increase in candida symptoms. It is very important to use one or more of the things listed above to help keep the candida under control at this time. The only one that I would not recommend using while doing heavy metal chelation is silver. Since silver is also a heavy metal, it might be chelated out before it has the chance to work on the yeast, and it might slow down the chelation of the mercury.
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The statements made about any products on any page of this website have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or mitigate any disease.