Cleanse Toxins fromYour Body
Optimize Your Health
Optimize Your Life
Harmful substances, toxins, are present in our blood and body tissues.
Despite our efforts to minimize exposure to harmful substances, we can never completely eliminate exposure to toxins.  They are all around us, in the plastics, building material in our homes, and in the environment.  If you have just started on your path toward optimal health, undoubtedly, your body is probably full of toxins absorbed from the personal care products you have been using.  The Mt. Sinai School of Medicine tested the blood of numerous people and found as many as 95 synthetic chemicals in each person.  There are approximately 200 chemicals found in the avarage person's body fat.   In a Special NBC report, Bill Moyer stated, "Not a single child today is born free of synthetic chemicals."

Best to use the natural processes in place to help eliminate toxins?
Our liver and kidneys are the main organs in our body that are in place to help our bodies eliminate toxins.  We need to make sure to help these organs to perform this function to the best of their ability. 

Maintain a healthy liver.
Our liver filters and processes most of the toxins that enter our bodies.  In order to help the liver function, we need to keep the liver as healthy as possible.  We need to avoid as many toxins as possible so the liver can decrease the amount of toxins that are already present.  Maintain a healthy liver means avoiding substance that strain the liver, like alcohol, and certain medications, like Tylenol and others that could have a harmful affect on the liver.  Any medications that require liver functions tests before and during therapy are known to put a strain on the liver.  If your doctor prescribes such a medication, it is ok to ask your doctor to prescribe a safer alternative.   With your doctor, you can weigh the risk to your liver against the benefits expected from the medication.  

Water helps the kidneys eliminate toxins.
The kidneys remove and eliminate the toxins that are present in the blood.  The best way to help the kidneys eliminate toxins form the blood is by drinking at least 8 glasses of high quality bottled water each day.  The type of water that you drink is very important, because there are contaminants present in most of our sources of drinking water.  Tap water is full of chlorine, sometime with flouride, and any other toxins leached into it on its path to the sourse of the city's water supply.   It certainly doesn't make sense to use water that is full of toxins to help the body to eliminate toxins.  The purest water comes from a deep artesian well, or a high mountain spring that has the least amount of contaminants, and is rich in essential minerals.  Never drink distilled water because the lack of minerals will actually leach essential mineral from the bones, & body tissues.  Another alternative is a high quality filter that removes all impurites (not just the taste)  and then replaces the essential minerals that are removed in the filtering process.  It is also recommended to filter out the toxins from water that is used for bathing, since our bodies absorb a large amount of water while we bathing or showering. 

Keep the lymph system circulating.
Toxins can also infiltrate into the lymph system.  In order to eliminate the toxins from the lymph system, as well as maintain a healthy lymph system, we need to keep it circulating.  The lymph system has its own set of vessels that carry the lymph fluid through the body, similar to the circulatory system.  Unlike the circulatory system, the lymph system doesn't have its own pump to move the fluid through the lymph system.   It relies on the movement of our muscles through out our bodies.  The contractions of the muscles pushes the lymph fluid through the lymph system.  So the more contractions applied to the vessels, the more the fluid circulates through the system.  So the best way to help keep the lymph fluid circulating is exercise & massage.  The up and down movement of bouncing also helps to circulate the lymph fluid, so it is recommended to frequently bounce on a mini-tramp or rebounder.

The steps listed below are just a brief outline of what you can do to optimize your health.  Click on each step for further details.
1. Eliminate exposure to harmful substances.
2. Help your body eliminate the harmful substances it has been exposed to.
3. Maximize essential nutrient intake.
4. Healthy weight management.
5. Physical exercise.
6. Stress reduction.
7. Promote spiritual, mental & emotional well being.