What can be used to control yeast/candida?

Optimize Your Health
Optimize Your Life
I personally believe that PCOS (and possibly other conditions) is caused by an over growth of yeast/candida, and that anything that kills yeast/candida will help the body to overcome PCOS and the symptoms that are associated with it.  
Candida control is used to treat PCOS as a whole, NOT just for symptom management.  Because it is used to treat PCOS as a whole, it can be used by anyone with PCOS no matter which PCOS symptoms are presenting. 
You can use candida control in addition to any other PCOS treatment that you are already using.

Click on the following link to see a sample candida control program if you:
- Want to have a baby.

Don't want to get pregnant but want treat your PCOS and:
- Have regular cycles that are longer than 30 days.
- Have not had a cycle in more than 2 months.
- Use Birth Control Pills, or hormone therapy to regulate your cycles, but want to try something else.
- Want to lose weight.
- Want to manage or treat any other PCOS symptoms.

If anyone who has been:

1. Diagnosed with PCOS, or
2. Who thinks they might have PCOS, or
3. Who has irregular cycles, or
4. Has had trouble trying to conceive, or
5. Has any PCOS symptoms (obesity, high cholesterol, insulin resistance, etc.) ...

...decides to do a yeast control program, please contact me, and let me know what you have tried, and how it worked for you. 
Whether it helped, or not, I really want to know!
Disclaimer: The statements made on any page on this website are the express opinions of the creator of this website.  For medical advise, see your doctor.  If you are pregnant, or become pregnant, consult with your doctor about the use of any nutritional supplements during pregnancy.
The statements made about any products on any page of this website have not been evaluated by the FDA.  These products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or mitigate any disease.