Sample yeast/candida yeast control program.

Candida Control if you have not had a cycle for more than 2 months and you DON'T want to get pregnant.

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Optimize Your Life
Because you are not trying to conceive, you are free to chose any 1 or more of the candida control options I have suggested. 
You will also want to use protection during intercouse in order to prevent pregnancy, you will probably start ovulating again, and pregnancy could result.

After you start your candida control program, your cycle should start within 1 week.  This is an indication that the candida control program is effective.  Continue with your program.
If it does not come within 1 week than the candida control that you are using isn't strong enough, and you should increase the daily amount (if taking a supplement) if not already taking the maximum recommended on the bottle, or add another candida control option to your program.

Here is a suggested candida control program.:
1 bottle of Candex (approx. $40)
1 bottle of enterically coated, or stabilized probiotics.  Price will vary by quality. (I recommend ProZyme, a digestive enzyme & stabilized probiotic combo.  Only available online.)
1 bottle of Yeast Defense (approx. $18), or other herbal yeast control supplement of your choice.

Start with the Candex.  Take 2 caps right before bed at least 2 hours after eating, and 2 caps first thing in the morning, at least 1 hour before eating.
Also starting taking the  probiotics as directed on the bottle.

After 1 or 2 weeks of starting the candex, add the Yeast defense.  You can start with 2 a day, and after a few days increase to 4 a day. 

If the combination above gives you good results, you probably got the yeast under control, and you just need to keep the yeast under control.  After 1 or 2 months, you can decrease the Candex to 1 a day, and decrease the Yeast defense to 2 a day, but continue taking the probiotics. This is the most cost affective combination, since the Yeast Defense costs less than the Candex.  You are free to chose the combination that you are most comfortable using.

If anyone who has been:

1. Diagnosed with PCOS, or
2. Who thinks they might have PCOS, or
3. Who has irregular cycles, or
4. Has had trouble trying to conceive, or
5. Has any PCOS symptoms (obesity, high cholesterol, insulin resistance, etc.) ...

...decides to do a yeast control program, please contact me, and let me know what you have tried, and how it worked for you. 
Whether it helped, or not, I really want to know!
Disclaimer: The statements made on any page on this website are the express opinions of the creator of this website.  For medical advise, see your doctor.  If you are pregnant, or become pregnant, consult with your doctor about the use of any nutritional supplements during pregnancy.
The statements made about any products on any page of this website have not been evaluated by the FDA.  These products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or mitigate any disease.